This morning, I found it a bit difficult to get up early and finalize this Photo Of The Week post. I've been struggling with some late night ideas...the kind of ones that won't go away until I get them finished. Currently I'm working on a new watercolor. I have this small blank canvas and every day I pass it at least a few dozen times. I know what I want to paint...and hopefully today I can finally get it finished. I forgot how intense and demanding a painting can be at times - but I wouldn't trade this for anything.
Photography can be quite similar to a painting. The photographer sees the final product, even before clicking the shutter release button. I know I do. When I found a few minutes to work on this week's photo, I already knew what the image should look like, it was only a matter of perfecting the lighting and scene.
Earlier this week, when I was changing out the vases with new bouquets of fresher blooms, I came across one older flower that captured my attention. I found myself taking a second look and
really looking at the petals and structure of this bloom. I knew that I wanted to use it for this week's photo in that same minute. While the bloom was nearly on it's last days, I could still see the brilliance that it once held, and still held. I took a few minutes on late Friday afternoon to capture this image indoors using natural light from a nearby window. I applied a small texture to the empty space and was immediately in love with the final image:
Project 52 / Week 5: "White Bloom n.1"
{Captured: ISO 200 / F1.4 / 1/400} |
I try to make it a point to always take a second look, to look for the beauty in everything, even if at first glance it may not appear.
**I'll be adding lots of fun images today to Facebook - stop by if you get a chance! Below is a sneak peek:
"Buttons n.1" |
"Candy Love n.4" |
Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!