About Me

My photo
Hi and Welcome!! First and most important I am a mother to 3 very inspriring (and quite energized) children who remind me each and every day about the beauty that surrounds us all...and they keep me on my toes! When I'm not working at "the day job" I try to fit in some learning and growing time to practice both nature and portrait photography. Ever since I was a young girl, I have loved art of many mediums. My ultimate goal would be to move solely into a day filled by using my creativity - whether that be painting, nature photography or custom portrait photography. Hope you'll follow along!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Reflections of a Sunrise + Hydrangea Centerpiece / Project 52 ~ Week 18

Happy Thursday {it's almost Friday!!}.

  I'm so excited to share Week 18 for a couple reasons:
1. It's about the beach...and the beach is one of my most favorite places to be for relaxation, rejuvenation and fun!
2. It means I'm {finally} caught up with past Project 52 weeks!!

  I'll set the scene first.  It was a stressful day at work, at home, and with life in general.  We all have those days, I know this, and most days I can cope quite well.  This day was different, I'm not sure how to describe it, but I was literally stressed beyond my normal coping point.  I called my younger sis for our normal daily talk - but I had a {BIG} question to ask.  We exchanged the normal "how was your day" question...then I dropped the request.  I {politely} asked if she would take a day or two off work to come down to NC for a beach weekend with me and the little ones.  And, being the most awesome sister as usual, she agreed to put in for some last minute vacation days.  My kids and I have been on such a routine lately with work, school and activity schedules that "fun" was not something we'd had in awhile.   
  A few days later we arrived at Myrtle Beach, SC and checked-in to our favorite hotel for a long overdue mini-vacation.  I woke up early on Saturday morning {I rarely sleep past 5am, even though I'd love to sometimes} and strolled to the beach with my youngest to watch the sunrise.  It was magical and refreshing.  I get to watch the sunrise almost everyday, it's awe inspiring to witness those beautiful colors and to know that a brand new day has been granted.  I photographed a few different times during the sunrise and loved every image...having to choose only one for Week 18 was a bit difficult!

"Beach Sunrise n.7" / Project 52 - Week 18
{Captured:  50mm, ISO 100, 1/320, F5.6}
  The other images from this morning are uploaded on Facebook in the album titled "Coming Soon", if you get a chance, please stop by to visit and view!

  I also wanted to share within this post some fun and fresh garden details!  Recently I purchased a vintage collection of aqua Ball mason jars with a metal carrier from a wonderful Etsy shop called SpringHillFarm.  I must admit, when I opened this packaging this week, I was even more surprised at how neat this collection looked together.  Last evening my daughters and I spent a few minutes in the garden clipping just the 'right' bunches of pink hydrangeas to fill each of the 7 jars.  Below are a few Instagram photos of how the vintage collection + fresh blooms = a simply beautiful centerpiece!
{love the look of aqua+pink}

{love the contrast of new + old}

{hydrangea love!}

...hope everyone has a wonderful day...

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

{a little} Instagram Never Hurt Anyone... / Project 52 ~ Week 17

Greetings on this rainy Tuesday evening,

  Tonight's post is still part of my attempt to catching-up with past week's Project 52 photos - Week 17 {I'm almost there...I can see the end nearing!!}.   I chose a photograph taken with my iPhone, and more specifically Instagram on the iPhone.  I take a HUGE amount of photographs via phone...and have tested out quite a few apps.  I've used some awesome photography apps on the iPhone.  I have a few favorites that I enjoy using more frequently than others, Instagram being one of the favorites.  [If you haven't tried it, you should.]  The only draw back I've seen is not having full editing capabilities like some other apps, but there are quite a few presets available for quick use.
Sidenote:  I did import this photograph into PSE to add a black and white finish that had more depth and a light texture.  
"Rainy Daisy n.1" / Project 52 - Week 17
{Captured:  Instagram}
   Can't wait to share Week 18...it's one of my favorites from Project 52 so far...mainly because it involves the beach!

Have an amazing evening!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Macro Fun / Project 52 ~ Week 16

  Hello, again!  I'm so thrilled to be posting another week so soon ... it means I'm that much closer to getting back on track with weekly posts.
  Week 16 was photographed in Saxapahaw, NC (a most gorgeous rural area).  I was out of town to attend a great portrait photography workshop.  I was presented with an opportunity to test out another photographer's macro lens...and was beyond excited!  I arrived before the class began on that Saturday, just to get a chance to try the lens on a few wild flowers around the parking area.  I fell in love instantly!  I have always adored nature photography and magnifying those tiny wildflowers was like magic.   I cannot wait to purchase my first macro lens, I'm currently researching which one will be the "best" one for my cameras (more to come on choosing the right lenses in future posts).

  I chose the image below for Week 16:
"Macro Yellow n.1" / Project 52 - Week 16
{Captured:  ISO 320, 1/1000, F3.5}

  It's really amazing that this small flower was only the size of my thumbnail.  I was able to magnify the otherwise missed small details of the petite bloom...and it was one of my favorite flower colors, yellow!
  Just a few more weeks to review and post...can't wait to share the recent ocean images!!

Have a wonderful Monday :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Going Home / Project 52 ~ Week 15

  Hello.  It's been awhile!! I've got lots of weeks to catch-up...and hopefully can get back on-track this week {fingers crossed}.

  During Week 15, I traveled back home to St. Louis with my little ones.  We enjoyed a much overdue visit with our families.  We planned activities for each day, including the zoo, butterfly house, Botanical Gardens and a few more.  Going home provided a much needed change of pace and a fresh perspective that was very necessary.  I believe it's very important to kick-start your creativity each year with a new environment and/or new scenes.

  I chose the image below for Week 15:
"Tropical Orange n.1"
{Captured:  50mm, ISO 400, 1/500, F3.2}

  This image contains some of my favorite colors, combined: oranges, yellows and pinks!  We were indoors in a tropical plant exhibit at the Missouri Botanical Gardens {enjoying some warmth on a cool spring morning}.  This bloom seemed to 'scream' compared to the lush greens in the other displays.  I photographed a few more plants and blooms in this area, but this one was by far one of my favorites.

  All images from the trip have been added in the "Coming Soon" folder on the Facebook page, stop by if you get a chance.

  [Hopefully] coming soon...weeks 16, 17, 18 and more!  Have a lovely week!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Fluffy & Furry / Project 52 ~ Week 14

  Hello, again!

...I'm playing catch-up, and may be doing this for a few days.  Last weekend we embarked upon a 14 hour car trip back to visit family {and have a much overdue vacation} in St. Louis, MO.  We've survived our return trip, and still have tons to put away and clean-up.   After reviewing the images I've captured since April 1st, I realized, I have a few hundred to edit!  I always dread falling behind in editing....hopefully I'll survive today's partial review...maybe 3 days worth??

  This post was meant for last week, Week 14.  I couldn't help but catch a quick {but adorable} image of this SWEET baby wild rabbit.  She was rescued a few days prior and was quite timid, but as of last check was warming up and eating well.  Her dark, rich and multi-colored fur was simply beautiful against the bright green leaves and dull silver metal bucket.
Project 52 - Week 14 / "Spring Bunny n.1"
{Captured:  50mm, ISO 100, 1/200, F3.2}

  It was late afternoon, so there was spotted setting sunshine.  I kept the ISO at 100 and lowered the shutter speed - enjoying the result of deep shadowed areas surrounding the fluffy model.  I did set the aperture at 3.2 for capturing good details in the lovely patterns of her fur.

  Fingers crossed for an easy week back from vacation...and that I get caught up with a seemingly amount of editing.  Hope everyone has a super week!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Walking About / Project 52 - Week 13

Good Evening!

  Quick {and late} post this week...for a few reasons.
1. I worked over 2 weeks straight...and by last week was incredibly exhausted.
2. Celebrating a wonderful 3rd Birthday for my youngest this weekend.
3. Preparing for an upcoming trip back to St. Louis...and am no where near ready.
...Did I mention that I'm exhausted? ;)

  That being said, I've found that being rushed, tired, distracted and busy have resulted not feeling very focused on performing my normal routine to capture a new image.   Instead, I've chosen a photo this week captured with my iPhone.  Normally I will never do this...mainly because I'm not a fan of not having control over my images...but I just did not get out this week with my camera.

  This week's image was captured during a {very quick} walk about on the nearby streets with my daughters.  It was warm, quiet and nearly dark.  This scene of the tall trees reflecting in the standing water  was very serene, with only a hint of the sunset remaining.
Project 52 ~ Week 13
{Captured: iPhone photo}
  Sometimes, I find it a bit easier to carry a phone,  rather than the bulky camera on these evening walks ... it sure makes it easier to keep up with the little ones!  But, I know that if I had taken this same image with my 50mm and camera, I could have brought in quite a bit more of the remaining sunset and even some greater detail of the reflection.
  There are a few new blooms appearing in the local gardens and I really hope the weather stays fair this week...fingers crossed!

  Hope everyone is enjoying some spring-time weather!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sunshine and Webs / Project 52 ~ Week 12

  Well...today's post is very late.  I've been trying to edit lots of images when time permitted and am just now finishing.  This week has been up and down.  Lots of rain, lots of sunshine, some more rain, warm temperatures, even more rain, some hail...and I think it's raining again!  The plants are growing everyday - it's a beautiful sight to see.  The azaleas are in full bloom, dazzling local gardens with a variety of pinks, purples and white.  The wisteria is fully bloomed in lovely shades of lilac purples, draping the treetops of wooded areas.  In less words, it's gorgeous around here again.  Fall and Winter look to be seasons of the past and Spring is here to stay!

  On Friday morning, in early sunlight, I walked my yard to check on plant growth.  It had rained fairly heavily the evening before, and the lawn, plants and trees were still covered in heavy dew drops.  I noticed a lot of "sparkling" areas dotting my back gardens and low branches.  When I got closer I discovered these were spider webs.  Now, I'm not too fond of spiders {at all}, but I couldn't walk away without capturing this lovely image.  Each piece of the web was covered in very tiny dew drops, each reflecting the early sunlight in a spectacular display.  I chose this image for Week 12:
{Project 52 / Week 12 - "Glittered Web n.4"}
{Captured: 50mm - ISO 250 - F5.0 - 1/125}
  I chose to apply a black and white finish to this image as I found the bright green and light browns of the background to be a bit distracting.  I wanted lots of detail, so the aperture was set to 5.0.  I loved the final look of several images from this web.  If you get a chance this week, stop by on Facebook in the Coming Soon folder to see other images captured from this morning walk.

Hope everyone has a beautiful week!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Garden Days / Project 52 - Week 11

  Good Afternoon!!
  There's been a change in recent weather this week.  Instead of rainy, windy and chilly days...there's been sunshine and warm weather!  We've been spending lots of time tidying up the yard.  It's been a chore, but has been so nice at the same time.  Our gardens are beginning to show lots of new growth and even some blooms!
  Yesterday, my youngest and I were continuing to clean-up our back garden.  {insert a LOUD shriek!}  She was so surprised to find a small friend...and we chased him for quite some time {so we could see him hop, of course}.  This week's image is a memory of this fun discovery:
"In The Garden n.3" / Project 52 - Week 11
{Captured:  50mm - ISO 100 - F3.5 - 1/1000}
  I wanted to make sure that the subject was very detailed, so I set my aperture at 3.5 and a faster shutter speed since there was frequent movement.  The light pastels of the pebbles, provided a nice contrast to the dark and rich browns.  My favorite part, was the "frown".
  It's a bit different for me to move from landscape and flower shots, but we sure had fun chasing this little guy around the garden!

Hope everyone has an amazing week!

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Pine Trees and Shadows / Project 52 ~ Week 10

  Good Morning!  Just a note...it'll be quick post this week.  The weather and sunshine have been amazing this weekend and I've got a few different flowers that I'd like to photograph today before sunset...so I must stay focused!

  Yesterday we were out and about, before sunset, thoroughly enjoying the amazing sunshine.  On our walk, I captured this week's image:
Project 52 / Week 10:  "Sunny Shadows n.1"
{Captured:  50mm - ISO 160 - F5.6 - 1/400}
  I was in love with the hazy golden sunshine casting long shadows in the row of pine trees.  The bright afternoon sunlight created a wonderful pattern of light and dark spaces.  The whole scene yesterday reminded me of a late summer day...and hopefully these days are just around the corner!

  Hope you have a lovely week ahead!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Unique Beauty / Project 52 ~ Week 9

 Happy Weekend!!

  I was so excited to receive a wonderful surprise this week...two lovely bouquets of ranunculus flowers!!  I've {really, really} wanted to photograph these intriguing flowers for some time.  These blooms were the miniature type and each bouquet was full of incredible color {reds, pinks, oranges, yellows and purples}.  
  On Friday, I separated some of the pinks, purples and oranges and set to work on capturing some long overdue images.  I love how the stems wind and curve, each petal with light textures, each bloom unique and at a different stage.  I decided to group my images by flower color to obtain a more uniform view.  This week's image:
Project 52 - Week 9 / "Purple Ranunculus n.1"
{Captured:  ISO160 - F2.0 - 1/80}
  The richly deep purple petals, with a light texture and haze definitely made this image the right choice for Week 9.   It was a hard choice though, because the orange and pink ranunculus images were equally beautiful.  If you get a chance this week, stop by the Facebook page to see additional images in the Coming Soon folder.

  I'm looking at this rainbow of flowers this morning and they are continuing to change daily.  I'm hoping to get a few more images of the other blooms this week.   I really would love to add a space in our back gardens this year to grow some of these amazing plants, their bright blooming flowers would look great next to the roses and peonies.  
  On a sidenote:  Spring is nearing everyday, I've noticed our tulips are growing and I can't wait to capture some images of these, hopefully soon!

Hope your week is amazing!!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Fancy Pink Petals / Project 52 ~ Week 8

  Happy Weekend!  I'm running a bit behind this week and have been processing several photographs captured this past Friday.  I found the most gorgeous bunch of pink gerbera daisies this past week. Unfortunately we were greeted with some clouds, thunder, lightning and rain on Friday....meaning I had to photograph indoors...again!   I chose a rainy window sill and selected three of the best in the bunch.  

This week's image was captured in the cloudy natural light, with a rain dotted window providing some interesting shadows.  I chose one of the images that was very detailed and macro-like for Week 8:
"Rainy Fridays n.10"
{Captured:  ISO 200 - F2.5 - 1/125}
  I've always found daisies so beautiful.  Each petal so delicate all leading back to one amazing centerpiece in the middle.  These gorgeous pink daisies were no exception.

  I'll be adding a few more images to the Facebook page today, stop by if you get a chance.

Hope your week is amazing!

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Foggy Days At The Beach / Project 52 ~ Week 7

  I took quite a few moments this week to capture some photographs - and I was so proud of myself for stopping and focusing when I could see the lighting was "just right" or the subject was "just right".  This week I chose an image from our trip to South Carolina yesterday.  Late afternoon was very cloudy and somewhat foggy, with just a hint of mist.  We went down onto the beach, barefoot, with dreams that summer will be here soon.  I watched my kids play and run {we are all very much "water babies"} and enjoyed these perfect moments.  On our way back to the car, I stopped to take a few last glances at the waves.  It was then that I captured this image:
Project 52 / Week 7 "Ocean Side n.1"
{Captured:  ISO 1000 - F.2.5 - 1/250}
  The aqua and dark weathered wood tones really appealed to me visually.  I also liked the bits of wintered plant growth and calming sandy hues.  I always find it a bit sad to leave the ocean - it is definitely one of my most favorite places to explore and relax.  I cannot wait to have this image enlarged, I'm thinking 16x20 or 20x30 at least, I've got a wall in mind just for this image!

  I will be adding a few additional images taken in the past week to the Facebook page - stop by if you get a chance!

Hope your week is amazing!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Rainy Days / Project 52 - Week 6

  After a long week stuck inside, I was hoping for some outside time and some warm sunshine this weekend.  But instead, I was greeted with dreary storm clouds, rain and much colder temps that dropped steadily yesterday.  Staying inside was the best {and warmest} option!

  This week's photograph really reflects my "stormy" and "cloudy" mood.  I worked indoors to capture this small and fierce bloom with natural light during yesterday's storms.
Project 52 / Week 6:  "Sunny Inside n.4"
{Captured:  ISO 200 - F1.6 - 1/60}
  I loved this final image for a few reasons:
   *This bloom is different - almost like fireworks exploding - each petal seemed to have a different shape and shade.
   *Using a rich black and white was the best choice - this allowed the different shaded petals to be showcased and gave some depth to the small shadow.
   *The minimal empty space.  I sometimes like to offset my main focal points.  Normally I leave an equal empty space for balance.  When I reviewed the image, I decided that this flower was bursting with originality and leaving a smaller empty space really showcased it's features.

  Do you ever struggle with weather limitations or notice that weather affects your art's output and mood?

Because I won't be posting until next weekend - I wanted to wish everyone a very

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Taking A Second Look / Project 52 - Week 5

  This morning, I found it a bit difficult to get up early and finalize this Photo Of The Week post.  I've been struggling with some late night ideas...the kind of ones that won't go away until I get them finished.  Currently I'm working on a new watercolor.  I have this small blank canvas and every day I pass it at least a few dozen times.  I know what I want to paint...and hopefully today I can finally get it finished. I forgot how intense and demanding a painting can be at times - but I wouldn't trade this for anything.

  Photography can be quite similar to a painting.  The photographer sees the final product, even before clicking the shutter release button.  I know I do.  When I found a few minutes to work on this week's photo, I already knew what the image should look like, it was only a matter of perfecting the lighting and scene.

  Earlier this week, when I was changing out the vases with new bouquets of fresher blooms, I came across  one older flower that captured my attention.  I found myself taking a second look and really looking at the petals and structure of this bloom.  I knew that I wanted to use it for this week's photo in that same minute.  While the bloom was nearly on it's last days, I could still see the brilliance that it once held, and still held.  I took a few minutes on late Friday afternoon to capture this image indoors using natural light from a nearby window.  I applied a small texture to the empty space and was immediately in love with the final image:
Project 52 / Week 5:  "White Bloom n.1"
{Captured:  ISO 200 / F1.4 / 1/400}
  I try to make it a point to always take a second look, to look for the beauty in everything, even if at first glance it may not appear.

**I'll be adding lots of fun images today to Facebook - stop by if you get a chance!  Below is a sneak peek:
"Buttons n.1" 
"Candy Love n.4"
  Hope everyone has a wonderful week!!

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sweet Lambs, Warm Sunshine / Project 52 - Week 4

  Normally, I'm not too fond of drastic temperature changes during winter.  We've seen frost, {lots of} rain, and WARM days all in one week.  But, for a nice change, the warmer days began Friday and led to a very sunny and beautiful Saturday.  I had plans to photograph some newly born lambs.  I spent about an hour with these adorable {and super soft} lambs - and will be sharing the photos on the JLP Facebook page later today.  Here's a quick look:
"At The Farm n.7"
{Captured: ISO 100 / F.4 /  1/640}
  Being outside, after such a rainy week indoors, was much needed.  The warm air and bright sunshine almost made me believe it was Spring.   Not much is in bloom, just yet, but I think it won't be very long at all!  While I walked around, enjoying the warmth and sunshine, I came upon several groups of dandelions.   There's nothing quite like looking {really closely} at a dandelion.  I am always captivated by how much each and every tiny piece will glow and sparkle in the sunshine.  This week's image, definitely captured my mood and the day's spring-like weather:
Project 52 / Week 4:  "Blue Sky Dandelion n.1"  
{Captured:  ISO 100 / F5.6 / 1/1000}

  While the temperature is cool this morning, again, I have hopes of warmer days ahead and lots of brightly colored blooms in the gardens...soon!  I love outdoor natural light photography and can't wait to be outside more and more this year to capture some great images.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Rain, Rain & STILL more Rain / Project 52 - Week 3

  Oh, the rain...it's still here this morning.  I'm hearing reports at work of other areas in the West, Central and North East receiving snow and/or ice...and I must admit I'm a little jealous.  Not about the dangerous roads..but missing out of the sparkle of a fresh snow!  Being originally from MO - our winters were always promised at least one snow and several days with sleet.  Here in NC...rain.  I still remember my very first winter here - it rained for a week straight.  There's nothing more frustrating to me than being cooped up indoors with so much overcast from rain clouds.  It proves to be a bit of a challenge for Project 52 as well, since I'd much prefer to step outside at first dawn or a late afternoon sunset to photograph some gorgeous flowers.  I chose to shoot indoors again - but still ended up loving the finished result.
   I was more than excited to see the fresh-cut tulips return to the store this week!  It may be a sign that Spring is nearing...and that means some gorgeous blooms will be here soon as well.  This week, I chose purple and red tulips.  I kept them separated in different vases and checked them daily.  When I first purchased them, the really weren't where I needed them to be for the image I had in my head.  They were tightly closed and hidden in their tall leaves.  A few days later and they were opening up quite magnificently.
 I was on target - I set my space up when the afternoon lighting was spilling through the room's windows.  I chose a vintage mason jar - with a small bit of water to photograph 2 tulips of each color.   I did not like the purple tulips - the petals had opened up a bit too much and the stems were a bit droopy.  For this image,  it just didn't work.  I feel much more comfortable with red/orange/pink tones - so I was in love with this week's final image:

Project 52/2012: Week 3
"Red Tulips n.3"
{Captured: ISO 160 / F3.5 / 1/125}
    This image had every bit of "spring" that I could create myself:  a hint of blue in the glass, the fresh green stems and leaves and the glowing shine on the bright red petals.   This image was taken using natural light from a nearby window which created a small light shadow - I chose not to remove this shadow from the final image because I liked the way it provided depth on the bottom left side.   

    Hoping that over the next week, the weather will clear-up a bit so that I can head outside for some shots of the surrounding area.  As a photographer or artist, do you ever find yourself drawn to one or similar color palettes?  I seem to choose pinks, red, oranges a lot, and am hoping over the course of Project 52 to feel more comfortable photographing other gorgeous colors in nature.

Hope everyone has a wonderful week!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Artistic Moods / Project 52-Week2

  I've had a busy week (as normal), and I almost forgot to capture a photograph for Week 2!  This year, I'm committed to staying on task with Project 52. 
  Every week, I purchase a new bouquet of flowers for my fireplace mantel.  I have this lovely white teapot, that displays these bouquets quite beautifully.  This week, I picked a very bright and bold bouquet - I know my mood had a lot to do with this choice.  It was Thursday night, I was near exhausted, but had just received some great news and felt a bit rejuventated, the flowers definitely reflected this mood!  I rarely photograph an entire bouquet, I love to find one or two blooms that stand out and separate these from the group.  When I looked at the bouquet yesterday evening, the flowers that really stood apart were the Alstroemerias.  I knew at that point that these were in the running for Week 2.  In a separate vase I had a small bouquet of petite soft pink cluster roses.  Being undecided, I just HAD to photograph both. 
  While I was processing the final images, my daughter (our resident artist) was overseeing the edits.  I asked for her artistic opinion, the bright and bold Alstroemerias or the soft and light roses.  She quickly decided that Week 2 should be the Alstroemerias....and I value her opinion greatly.  Below is the final image selected for Week 2:

Project 52/ 2012:  Week 2:  {"Alstroemeria Blooms n.1"}
 Photographed: 1.14.12
{Captured:  ISO 100 / F2.0 / 1/30}
    I took one stem of these spotted blooms and photographed them within a vintage bottle I found last year.  I loved the final image for a number of reasons.   I've noticed that I'm drawn to creating very bright images.  The deep rich red petals and long pointed bright green leaves stand apart against a neutral background.  The leaves are really what 'made' this image for me, I love how each one is going in a different direction, curved in their own way. Very similar to how I felt this week - pulled in a million different directions. 

  Do you ever notice how your art will mimic your moods?

 (I'm also in love with the rose images captured yesterday - these will be added to the Facebook page this morning). 

Have a great week!

Monday, January 9, 2012

It's A New Year {and Project 52 / 2012}

Happy New Year!!
It's been quite a while since my last post, plans for 2011 drastically changed and shifted my entire focus.  But, I'm always ready for new {and exhausting} challenges. 

I'll keep this post as short as possible {Monday mornings are r-o-u-g-h}.  Today, I wanted to share the {re}start of my Project 52 in 2012.  This will be a weekly post containing one image taken during the previous week.  I'll be using this project to further expand my photography, find new inspiration and try new things!  {If you're also participating in a 52 project - please feel free to leave your link - I'd love to follow!}

I am so excited about Week 1's photograph.    There's lots of texture, depth, rich hues and softness - all packed into one image.  I definitely stepped out of my comfort zone with this image, I normally like to keep soft flowers from rich textures...but I loved the finished product!!

Project 52 / 2012:  Week 1 {"Shades Of Purple Blooms n.4"}
{Captured: ISO 100 / F2.8 / 1/160}
Stay Tuned:  More to come each week in 2012!