About Me

My photo
Hi and Welcome!! First and most important I am a mother to 3 very inspriring (and quite energized) children who remind me each and every day about the beauty that surrounds us all...and they keep me on my toes! When I'm not working at "the day job" I try to fit in some learning and growing time to practice both nature and portrait photography. Ever since I was a young girl, I have loved art of many mediums. My ultimate goal would be to move solely into a day filled by using my creativity - whether that be painting, nature photography or custom portrait photography. Hope you'll follow along!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

2011 So Far and Some New

--I just realized, it's been over a MONTH since I last posted!  Since I'm newer to the blogging concept, I guess this isn't too bad.  A lot has occurred since December 13th.

We traveled to (and from) Saint Louis amidst the most difficult snow storm(s).  It was an ordeal, but well worth the struggles.  We enjoyed visiting with family, I even managed to make a visit to Tower Grove Park, Forest Park and downtown/Riverfront before we had to leave.  There was just enough snow on the ground to capture some really unique and wintery shots!  I've posted many of these on my facebook page and in my Etsy shop.

Some exciting news:  The 5x7 matting has arrived!  I'll be matting some 5x7 and 8x10 sized photographs over the next week and listing these options in the shop soon!  My "Winter Sparkle" photograph was featured on the front page of Etsy this week!

I was so excited! It was my first time making front page - and I can't wait for future features.

I've been featured in lots of treasuries recently and will post a separate blog this weekend which includes all the links of the treasury and curator's shops.

There's so much in store for 2011 - we've already experienced some beautiful and stunning snow and ice storms.  I've began a 2011 52 Photograph Project (will detail the first 4 shots on the next post!)  New ideas, more trips in the future and spring is quickly approaching.

Stay tuned, I should be back to weekly blog posts,  hopefully!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the front page! It is exciting! I'm off to check out your etsy shop!
