About Me

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Hi and Welcome!! First and most important I am a mother to 3 very inspriring (and quite energized) children who remind me each and every day about the beauty that surrounds us all...and they keep me on my toes! When I'm not working at "the day job" I try to fit in some learning and growing time to practice both nature and portrait photography. Ever since I was a young girl, I have loved art of many mediums. My ultimate goal would be to move solely into a day filled by using my creativity - whether that be painting, nature photography or custom portrait photography. Hope you'll follow along!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Artistic Moods / Project 52-Week2

  I've had a busy week (as normal), and I almost forgot to capture a photograph for Week 2!  This year, I'm committed to staying on task with Project 52. 
  Every week, I purchase a new bouquet of flowers for my fireplace mantel.  I have this lovely white teapot, that displays these bouquets quite beautifully.  This week, I picked a very bright and bold bouquet - I know my mood had a lot to do with this choice.  It was Thursday night, I was near exhausted, but had just received some great news and felt a bit rejuventated, the flowers definitely reflected this mood!  I rarely photograph an entire bouquet, I love to find one or two blooms that stand out and separate these from the group.  When I looked at the bouquet yesterday evening, the flowers that really stood apart were the Alstroemerias.  I knew at that point that these were in the running for Week 2.  In a separate vase I had a small bouquet of petite soft pink cluster roses.  Being undecided, I just HAD to photograph both. 
  While I was processing the final images, my daughter (our resident artist) was overseeing the edits.  I asked for her artistic opinion, the bright and bold Alstroemerias or the soft and light roses.  She quickly decided that Week 2 should be the Alstroemerias....and I value her opinion greatly.  Below is the final image selected for Week 2:

Project 52/ 2012:  Week 2:  {"Alstroemeria Blooms n.1"}
 Photographed: 1.14.12
{Captured:  ISO 100 / F2.0 / 1/30}
    I took one stem of these spotted blooms and photographed them within a vintage bottle I found last year.  I loved the final image for a number of reasons.   I've noticed that I'm drawn to creating very bright images.  The deep rich red petals and long pointed bright green leaves stand apart against a neutral background.  The leaves are really what 'made' this image for me, I love how each one is going in a different direction, curved in their own way. Very similar to how I felt this week - pulled in a million different directions. 

  Do you ever notice how your art will mimic your moods?

 (I'm also in love with the rose images captured yesterday - these will be added to the Facebook page this morning). 

Have a great week!

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