About Me

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Hi and Welcome!! First and most important I am a mother to 3 very inspriring (and quite energized) children who remind me each and every day about the beauty that surrounds us all...and they keep me on my toes! When I'm not working at "the day job" I try to fit in some learning and growing time to practice both nature and portrait photography. Ever since I was a young girl, I have loved art of many mediums. My ultimate goal would be to move solely into a day filled by using my creativity - whether that be painting, nature photography or custom portrait photography. Hope you'll follow along!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Walking About / Project 52 - Week 13

Good Evening!

  Quick {and late} post this week...for a few reasons.
1. I worked over 2 weeks straight...and by last week was incredibly exhausted.
2. Celebrating a wonderful 3rd Birthday for my youngest this weekend.
3. Preparing for an upcoming trip back to St. Louis...and am no where near ready.
...Did I mention that I'm exhausted? ;)

  That being said, I've found that being rushed, tired, distracted and busy have resulted not feeling very focused on performing my normal routine to capture a new image.   Instead, I've chosen a photo this week captured with my iPhone.  Normally I will never do this...mainly because I'm not a fan of not having control over my images...but I just did not get out this week with my camera.

  This week's image was captured during a {very quick} walk about on the nearby streets with my daughters.  It was warm, quiet and nearly dark.  This scene of the tall trees reflecting in the standing water  was very serene, with only a hint of the sunset remaining.
Project 52 ~ Week 13
{Captured: iPhone photo}
  Sometimes, I find it a bit easier to carry a phone,  rather than the bulky camera on these evening walks ... it sure makes it easier to keep up with the little ones!  But, I know that if I had taken this same image with my 50mm and camera, I could have brought in quite a bit more of the remaining sunset and even some greater detail of the reflection.
  There are a few new blooms appearing in the local gardens and I really hope the weather stays fair this week...fingers crossed!

  Hope everyone is enjoying some spring-time weather!

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