Well...today's post is very late. I've been trying to edit lots of images when time permitted and am just now finishing. This week has been up and down. Lots of rain, lots of sunshine, some more rain, warm temperatures, even more rain, some hail...and I think it's raining again! The plants are growing everyday - it's a beautiful sight to see. The azaleas are in full bloom, dazzling local gardens with a variety of pinks, purples and white. The wisteria is fully bloomed in lovely shades of lilac purples, draping the treetops of wooded areas. In less words, it's gorgeous around here again. Fall and Winter look to be seasons of the past and Spring is here to stay!
On Friday morning, in early sunlight, I walked my yard to check on plant growth. It had rained fairly heavily the evening before, and the lawn, plants and trees were still covered in heavy dew drops. I noticed a lot of "sparkling" areas dotting my back gardens and low branches. When I got closer I discovered these were spider webs. Now, I'm not too fond of spiders {at all}, but I couldn't walk away without capturing this lovely image. Each piece of the web was covered in very tiny dew drops, each reflecting the early sunlight in a spectacular display. I chose this image for Week 12:
{Project 52 / Week 12 - "Glittered Web n.4"}
{Captured: 50mm - ISO 250 - F5.0 - 1/125} |
I chose to apply a black and white finish to this image as I found the bright green and light browns of the background to be a bit distracting. I wanted lots of detail, so the aperture was set to 5.0. I loved the final look of several images from this web. If you get a chance this week, stop by on Facebook in the Coming Soon folder to see other images captured from this morning walk.
Hope everyone has a beautiful week!
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